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Security by design.

In a world where digital security is crucial, Security By Design takes center stage at Enigmatry.

The quality of an application does not say much about security. To properly guarantee security, you must implement this at all layers. From the very first design to the architecture to the code, management, and even the use. At Enigmatry, we have invested heavily in this. First of all, we want to create not only beautiful applications but also safe applications.

Security at all levels: this is how Enigmatry approaches it.

Especially now that we work for several large clients, such as the government, where security is an essential part of development.

We have bundled our knowledge and experience into a blueprint. It provides us with a basis for developing any desired project, with security built in at every layer. For example, there are standard rules about authentication and authorization, and we ensure that encryption is already used in the database. These are a few examples of the security blueprint we use when developing your application.

Despite our experience and good basis, it is difficult to close an application entirely. Fortunately, there are several steps that you, as a client or contractor, can take into account. And with which you can take security to a higher level.

Can developers program defensively?

We used to call security by design and defensive programming. Ultimately, it comes down to the same thing. What is especially important is that you have the right people on board. A good programmer can build security into all layers of an application or project. He or she distrusts every step and sees what can go wrong. That requires time, knowledge and experience.

Because data is extremely valuable and should never just end up on the street.

- Enigmatry

Is security included in the assignment?

Security is not a permanent part of development in all organizations. So, when you request quotes, make sure that security is specifically mentioned. Be sure to ask about the concrete actions a development party will carry out for you to ensure your application is safe. If it is not clear how security is handled or you find the costs remarkably low, this may mean that these types of components have been left out or are not receiving enough attention. In addition, asking for an ISO certificate is not enough because an ISO certificate is more about hosting and using the application and less about the quality of the application itself.

Do you distrust every step?

Security by design is not just about security at the front; you want to implement this at every layer of an application. You can set up the form on a website well, but do you also look at the steps behind it? The command sent to the server must also be appropriately configured. And assuming these two steps are watertight, things can always go wrong in the management environment. It may even be the case that other applications running in the same environment are not secure and, therefore, still form a weak link for your application. And a soft spot is all hackers need.

An important point of attention, for example, is the implementation of updates and patches. If there are safety risks, they are quickly shared online. Everyone knows that these security risks exist, including hackers. They then search the net for applications that have not yet implemented the updates and have found a weak spot quite easily.

Has a code review been performed?

Don't hesitate to have a third party, a specialized company with ethical hackers, conduct a code review or penetration test. It can prevent many problems and safety issues and is very common nowadays.

Social hacking.

And finally, the use. If your application, hosting and management meet all the conditions, but an employee hangs a Post-it with passwords on their screen, your weak link is there. Another example is social hacking. Someone who pretends to be a (new) colleague and thus obtains passwords or access to the application. So make sure you also discuss security internally and, if necessary, address each other's weaknesses.

Check common errors yourself.

If you want to check the security of your application yourself, start with the OWASP top 10. A list of the most common security errors that can be easily prevented.

If you want to know more about the OWASP Top 10, request our whitepaper and read more about this list and how you can use it.

Security requires expertise, so make sure you use it.

Security, therefore, does not depend solely on the quality of an application. To implement this correctly, you need expertise and the proper knowledge. Security must be implemented at every layer when designing and developing an application. For this, you need a team of developers who can program from A to Z and understand the social aspect. They know how the user looks at an application, what mistakes are commonly made, and how to prevent a 'social hacker' from gaining access to valuable information.

Would you like to know more about security by design, or do you have a question about your application? Schedule a no-obligation introductory meeting here.

Want to read more about this subject?

Read all about the security baseline or why your software must be more secure than your neighbors'. You will also find a handy checklist that your software must comply with.