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This is our team.

We can't (and don't want to) hide it for a long time: we're huge fans of smart IT applications. We invent, design, build and maintain these. We inspire each other and propel each other towards even more better software solutions.

Our driven teams in Rotterdam and Serbia (Belgrade and Novi Sad) work together intensively in a flexible manner. Cultural differences between the different agencies are actually minimal. Because of course we all speak the same programming language and are captivated by the same passion.

Rotterdam team
Rotterdam team
Belgrade team
Belgrade team
Novi Sad team
Novi Sad team
Belgrade city
Belgrade city

An international team:

With an office in Rotterdam and two in Serbia, Enigmatry works internationally on the most beautiful projects. Because there is no time difference, our teams meet each other regularly in stand-ups and team meetings. Knowledge and expertise are shared on a daily basis and the difference in approach ensures fantastic results.

Despite the fact that the team members are in different countries, they have a different culture and support other football teams, the mutual team feeling is very strong. Colleagues regularly visit each other (online) and our clients are also extremely satisfied with this collaboration with Dutch and Serbian developers.

To learn from each other:

We think it's important to really get to know each other. That's why we see each other very often. When we start a new project, we ensure that all team members meet in real life to experience the right mutual energy that is so important within an assignment.

But we also like to show Serbia to our clients and the team that works there. We immediately became acquainted with the Serbian cuisine, the local language and mentality. And because our developers in Serbia now also speak a little bit of Dutch, there is a lot of laughing going on.

Meet our team:

Leave your details and we will be happy to get in touch with you or contact us directly.

+31 (0)10-240 99 29

Let us know how and about what we can contact you.